EST. 1988
"Our goal was simple: we would start an association that could provide the best training available for the money to the officers in Arizona to fight the war on drugs. In addition to this training, we would provide a time and place for the officers to relax and unwind among their peers. We also know that some of the best training was the "sea stories" or "war stories" told after class--the little individual tricks and innovative ideas that make a case work or save an officer's life." - T. Flanagan
The Arizona Narcotic Officers Association will celebrate its 35th Anniversary at next years Conference. A.N.O.A. has come a long way to become an important part of the war against drugs in the state Arizona. According to its founding officers, A.N.O.A. was a narcotics association, run by narcs and for cops. Interagency politics had nothing to do with A.N.O.A. What made A.N.O.A. work was the team spirit of the officers that became members--cooperation and support of the various law enforcement agencies (federal, state, and local) that provided any needed assistance.
We did not start A.N.O.A. just for narcotics officers, but to build a team spirit between all members of the law enforcement community--be they patrol officers, detectives, probation officers, corrections staff, or prosecutors. It does not matter if they are a member of a federal, state, county, or local agency. What matters is working together for a common goal. What matters is learning to fight the war on drugs with the best knowledge available. What matters is learning the newest skills in the area of Knock and Talk, Search and Seizure, Drug I.D., and officer safety. What matters is learning the trick or technique that will keep you safe and allow you to go home at the end of your shift.
In the thirty-five years that have passed, the association has come a long way. Each newly elected officer has put his or her own mark on the association. Each new board of directors has added its own ideas for the training of the members. Above all, each year we have expanded our knowledge in the area of drug enforcement and seen our membership grow to over 650 members!
Each year has seen A.N.O.A. grow and expand with new members and new ideas. Each year we have recognized those comrades who have fallen in the line of duty as well as those who have made the extra effort to support the association. Support made through their deeds, actions, and their commitment to the never ending battle to keep our streets safe from drugs and those who would deal them to the children of our society.
"At times we are called the founding fathers and I guess we are. The nice thing about being a father is that you can take pride when the child is grown and out on their own. Well, I guess our child is doing well on his own--still growing and will continue to grow. It will grow with new members and new ideas.......
It will grow with the friendship of our fellow officers in C.N.O.A. and T.N.O.A. and other associations around the country. It will grow until the public is educated enough to learn to 'just say no.' By then maybe our child will be old enough to retire, just like his founding fathers are starting to do." - T. Flanagan Note: Excerpts by T. Flanagan taken from the "Arizona Narcotic Officer," 1998 edition.
- ANOA Board of Directors
Our Mission
To educate the membership, the public, and other law enforcement officers, within the State of Arizona, as to the dangers of drug and narcotic abuse.
To establish training for law enforcement officers in the area of narcotic and drug enforcement, by the use of various training media: seminars, conference, and printed publication.
To promote and foster mutual cooperation between narcotic officers, their agencies, private industry and the public.
To provide information to the public and private industry in regards to the abuse of narcotic and other drugs: by the use of seminars and lectures on drug abuse in the community and the work place.
To review pending legislation in the area of drug and narcotic laws, and recommend the changes and/or additions to legislation that are in the best interest of the public.
“Remember, we are all in this together, “ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT”.”